Puja Khedkar, a former IAS trainee, was discharged from service due to accusations of misusing OBC and disability quota benefits in the civil services exams. The official order, dated September 6, cited Rule 12 of IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954, as the basis for her discharge, which applies when a probationer is found ineligible for recruitment to the service.
Khedkar initially appeared for the civil service exams under the OBC category as “Puja Diliprao Khedkar” until 2020-21. In 2021-22, after exhausting her attempts, she reappeared under both OBC and PwBD quotas using the name “Puja Manorama Dilip Khedkar,” eventually securing a rank of 821.
The government set up a single-member committee on July 11 to verify her candidacy claims. After reviewing the findings on July 24, the committee recommended a summary enquiry under Rule 12 of IAS (Probation) Rules, 1954, providing Khedkar a chance to respond.
According to the enquiry, Khedkar had exhausted the permissible nine attempts for OBC and PwBD candidates before the 2022 exam, making her ineligible. The UPSC subsequently cancelled her candidature on July 31, barring her from future exams.
Khedkar was accused of “faking her identity” and misusing her powers, leading to the initiation of a criminal case for fraud, forgery, and cheating. Despite Khedkar’s appeal to the Delhi High Court, the discharge was upheld. She also faced a transfer from Pune to Washim amid these allegations.
Khedkar further alleged harassment by Pune District Collector Suhas Diwase, who reported her actions to the Maharashtra government. The case against Khedkar highlights the strict measures taken by authorities to maintain the integrity of the IAS.
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