IAF Jet Accidentally Releases Air Store Near Pokhran Due to Technical Snag
On Wednesday, an Indian Air Force (IAF) fighter jet inadvertently released an “air store” near the Pokhran firing range in Rajasthan due to a technical malfunction. Officials have confirmed that no damage to life or property has been reported from this incident.
The mishap occurred during a routine operation when an unexpected technical issue caused the accidental release of the air store, which typically includes munitions, bombs, or other military equipment carried by aircraft. The Indian Air Force has initiated an investigation to determine the precise cause of the malfunction that led to this unintentional deployment.
In a statement posted on X (formerly Twitter), the IAF said, “An inadvertent release of an air store from an Indian Air Force (IAF) fighter aircraft took place near Pokhran firing range area, due to technical malfunction, today. An enquiry by the IAF has been ordered to investigate into the incident. No damage to life or property has been reported.”
The specific type of air store involved in the incident has not been disclosed by the IAF. The authorities are currently examining the technical aspects to prevent such occurrences in the future.
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