Pilot Baba, a prominent figure in Indian spirituality and the revered Mahamandaleshwar of the Juna Akhara, passed away recently in a Mumbai hospital after a prolonged illness. He was given a ‘bhu-samadhi’ in Haridwar, fulfilling his final wish. On Friday, the Juna Akhara announced his successor—Sadhvi Kaivalya Devi, also known as Keiko Aikawa from Japan. This appointment marks a significant moment in the spiritual community, as Sadhvi Kaivalya Devi becomes the head of the Pilot Baba Ashram Trust.
Sadhvi Kaivalya Devi is a well-known spiritual leader in Japan, recognized for her expertise in ‘bhu-samadhi’—a deep meditative state where one transcends physical consciousness. She is the first and only foreign woman to attain the status of a Siddha Guru after rigorous training in the Himalayas under the guidance of Hari Giri Maharaj, the international protector of the Juna Akhara.
Sadhvi Kaivalya Devi’s spiritual journey began over 40 years ago when she immersed herself in the practices of yoga and meditation in Japan. Her dedication led her to the Himalayas in 1985, where she undertook intense training at an altitude of 5000 meters. This training culminated in her achieving the state of ‘Param Samadhi,’ a condition of complete mental and physical control. Her public demonstrations of ‘Samadhi’ across India from 1991 to 2007 served to authenticate her spiritual attainments and promote global peace.
In 2007, Sadhvi Kaivalya Devi was honored with the title of Mahamandaleshwar by the Juna Akhara, one of India’s largest spiritual orders. Her appointment as the head of the Pilot Baba Ashram Trust reflects her deep connection to Indian spirituality and her commitment to continuing the legacy of Pilot Baba.
About Pilot Baba:
Pilot Baba, born as Kapil Advait Samanath Giri in Bishanpura village of Rohtas district, Bihar, in 1938, was a celebrated saint and former Indian Air Force pilot. He participated in the India-China war of 1962 and the wars of 1965 and 1971. After a distinguished military career, he renounced worldly life to pursue spirituality, becoming a revered figure in the world of yoga and meditation. His followers span across Japan, Russia, Ukraine, and several other countries, and his ashrams are located in Haridwar, Nainital, Bihar, Uttarkashi, and Gangotri. Pilot Baba was known for his ability to enter deep meditative states, often engaging in prolonged periods of ‘bhu-samadhi,’ a practice where he would remain buried underground for extended periods.
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